Secureteam 10 Debunked and Demonetized

The latest news on Tyler Glockner, producer of the Secureteam 10 UFO hoax channel on YouTube with over 800,000 subscribers, is not good. Glockner was recently shocked to discover that his earnings may be cut as a result of YouTube's new monetization policies. But Tyler will not see his lavish ill-gotten income diminished, no sir! He's now appealing directly to his subscribers for support.

According to this article in Forbes, YouTube is demonetizing videos that are not considered "advertiser friendly," and it appears Secureteam 10 videos fall into this category. This is not surprising, as YouTube and its advertisers are staffed with functioning adults who have some critical ability. They are in contrast to the majority of Secureteam 10 followers, as evidenced by the fans' comments on UFO Theater's debunking video The Wings of Fail.

In a video message posted on April 6, 2017 ("SECURETEAM Shutting Down?") Glockner laughably describes his channel as "alternative news" and refers to the demonetization as "censorship at its worst," hoping his viewers don't understand the meaning of the terms "alternative news" and "censorship."

Will YouTube reverse its new policy? Hopefully not anytime soon.

Now Glockner has started a Patreon account to accept donations, but doesn't disclose the amount of money he's being given as others do. He probably has a sense that his YouTube subscribers don't realize that, with the help of free publicity from the tabloid press, he makes in excess of $300,000 a year creating UFO hoaxes and spinning trending news stories into an alternate reality. The upside to the monetization shakeup is Secureteam 10's viewership has started naively appealing to the wider UFO community for support. As a result, once outside the information vacuum surrounding the YouTube channel, they are exposed to the awful truth. Many cannot easily absorb it.

To assist their education, here is the continually accumulating case against Tyler Glockner and Secureteam 10:The UFO Theater debunk playlist - demonstrates how Secureteam 10 creates UFO videos using visual effects, an receives help and publicity from tabloid news sites.

The Dazzathecameraman debunk playlist - Highlight: Dazza, aka astronomer Dave Greg, exposes how Tyler Glockner created and impersonated an informant he called "Ken the Astronomer" and clumsily Photoshopped an image of Neptune behind Saturn, claiming it was a new planet entering the solar system.

This tweet by, aka Scott Brando demonstrates how Tyler misrepresented a normal feature of Mars as a "shadow of an alien satellite."

This tweet shows how a Hayabusa capsule re-entry from 2010 was misrepresented by Secureteam as an "alien satellite shot down by the Illuminati."

This thread on details how Secureteam exploits data errors in Google Moon to claim there are towers on the moon.

March 19, 2016: Secureteam misrepresents a 2010 Hayabusa capsule re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere as a "leaked clip of alien satellite being shot down."

May 3, 2017: Secureteam 10 misrepresents a long-ago debunked time lapse photo of a helicopter as a UFO sighting ("ALIEN Technology Tested Over France?"). Later, Tyler doubles down on the hoax with "UPDATE: Massive 'Ship' Over France, China & Australia!"May 6, 2017: Secureteam claims there are "BIZARRE Markings of Fish Caught In Phillipines" and is swiftly debunked by, well, many sources.

May 13, 2017: With the help of hoaxer Streetcap1, Secureteam knowingly misrepresents a lens flare as an "alien disc caught on space station live feed," cropping and rotating the video to make it harder to find the NASA source footage.May 15, 2017: Secureteam includes a crudely composited fake UFO in its video "Wave of Anti-Gravity Craft Over England."

May 19, 2017: Secureteam uses stolen footage from (Kaschuba Brothers) hoax channel xxxdonutzxxx as part of a video about "strange reflections detected on Earth", which of course, have already been explained.

June 5, 2017: Secureteam does no research, and is quick to misrepresent an RC plane with fireworks attached as a UFO in a video titled "Something 'CIRCLING' Over UK Skies."

June 23, 2017: Unconcerned with wasting his viewers' time, Tyler creates an episode titled "WHAT Did This Photographer Snap Above Him?" that features a mylar sun-shaped balloon.

July 17, 2017: Not too proud to stoop to the lowest levels, Secureteam uses the same 3-year-old space shuttle photo of lens reflections exploited by hoaxers Thirdphaseofmoon, a YouTube channel often referred to by, ironically, Secureteam fans as an example of a "real" hoax operation.  Scott Brando debunks Secureteam 10 videos on a weekly basis.

Follow his Twitter feed here.

A former fan of Secureteam 10 sees the light.

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The (Annotated) Truth About Secureteam 10
