Section 51 Goes Section 8
Most UFO hoax operations, when faced with indisputable evidence of their fraud, usually respond in one of two ways: ignore it (Third Phase of Moon), or respond as if it didn't exist (Mister Enigma, WTF Flow, Secureteam 10, Fausto UFO). When debunker Scott Brando, aka revealed professional CGI artist Jean "J. H." Wzgarda of France as the person behind hoax channel Section 51 2.0, Wzgarda took a different approach; he pretended he had nothing to do with it. Wzgarda has enjoyed widespread support for his antics, most recently for his "UFO Over Large Hadron Collider" hoax, from British tabloid news sites. I suppose he was a bit shocked to be exposed after freely, profitably and anonymously faking it for so long. This conversation ensued over Facebook chat:
If you believe this may possibly be a case of mistaken identity, conisder that Mr. Wzgarda maintains his personal web site on the same server as He is a CGI artist with a fetish for American military imagery, significant because the first incarnation of his web channel, Section 51, was focused on military footage as background for his UFO hoaxes. He got a lot of play with his "UFO Attacks Taliban Base" hoax among others. That channel was removed from YouTube because (best guess) Google decided that exploiting combat footage of real soldiers really risking their real lives wasn't so cool. And there's this, from his web site:
No one could have predicted what would happen years later, detailed here: