Hoax UFO Videos Are Like Porn

Browsing the UFO channels, I came to a realization: The NDestinationUnknown Youtube channel, claiming to have "The Best UFO Sightings" has not one authentic video clip. Every single one includes badly composited computer generated imagery.I went back to their very first video from two years ago, and searched forward. Really bad fakes. Every. Single. One. The fact that one of their posts has over 400,000 views makes me want to weep for humanity. The video that got that many views is so incredibly bad. They put in almost no effort to make the stuff look real.I know people who make comedy sketches for Youtube. Really great stuff, made by a team of talented writers, performers, editors, and other artists who have honed their craft for many years, often with no compensation.  On average, their videos get about the same number of views as a fake UFO channel, for about one hundred times the effort.There's one other genre that has an equal or greater appeal compared to the effort required: porn. Consider the similarities:

  • Created with a minimum of imagination or skill.

  • Produced in great volumes very quickly.

  • Enjoy limitless demand from consumers who are continuously looking for the newest material.

  • Men are more interested in the subject than women.

The big difference between the two? Porn has more integrity. When porn advertises you're going to see people having sex, you see people having sex. You don't see a tiny, fuzzy, grainy object that somebody tries to convince you is people having sex.It simply makes economic sense that the majority of online UFO videos will always be hoaxes; as Stephen Colbert would say, "the market has spoken". It's a surefire revenue stream for those who have no problem lying to people in order to collect a few bucks. Or in the case of thirdphaseofmoon, make a living.

The only way to cut off the supply is to eliminate the demand. Don't feed the monster. The monster thrives on your attention, even if only to express your rage (as many do) in the comments.Just leave the hoax channels alone, and they'll have no reason to exist. If you choose to watch some porn instead, I won't judge. 


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